rice bran oil
oryza sativa (rice) bran oil, sodium rice branate.
extracted from the germ (inner husk) of the rice grain. rice bran oil is one of natures best-kept secrets. not only is it an ancient japanese beauty secret with properties that are know to condition the hair as well as cleanse, moisturize and beautify the skin, but it is also considered “the worlds healthiest, edible oil”.
naturally rich in vitamin e - tocopherol - 81 ppm*, tocotrienol - 336 ppm*. both types of vitamin e are natural antioxidants that help fight free radicals. tocotrienol is a difficult nutrient to find but is abundant in rice bran oil.
high in oryzanol - 2,000 ppm*.
oryzanol is a powerful antioxidant only found in rice bran oil. it is more active than vitamin e in fighting free radicals. oryzanol is effective in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. unsaponifiables - 4% of rice bran oil can not be saponified. this gives soap natural moisturising properties which enable relief from eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis.
rice bran oil is used in our eco-castile foaming soap range.
* parts per million.
rosemary oil, rosmarinus officinalis
rosemary oil is widely used for hair care in shampoos and lotions. Regular use of rosemary oil helps to stimulate the hair follicle making hair grow longer and stronger.
rosemary oil also nourishes the scalp and keeps hair looking healthy and shiny. reduces excessive oil secretions and improves most dry and flaky scalp problems, especially dandruff.
rosemary oil is used in our eco-castile hair products.
rosemary oleoresin, rosmarinus officinalis, rosemary leaf extract
rosemary oleoresin, is an oil soluble, natural extract from the rosemary plant used to prevent rancidity in oils. it's antioxidant properties are largely attributed to carnosic acid, one of its major constituents. it has also been reported to have some antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal properties.
rosemary leaf extract is used in eco-castile liquid soap formulations to naturally preserve excess, moisturising, oils.
'r' ingredients